The goal of AIMBE’s Emerging Leaders Program is to increase AIMBE’s engagement with exceptional professionals that are underrepresented in medical and biological engineering (MBE), recognize outstanding rising leaders in MBE, and serve as a pipeline for URM leaders to AIMBE’s College of Fellows. Each year, AIMBE is seeking candidates that have made an impact on the field and are within 3-5 years of successful nomination to the AIMBE College of Fellows (currently having a minimum of 5 years in an independent position). This is not an automatic passage into AIMBE Fellowship. However, following this program, AIMBE Emerging Leaders will be successfully prepared to apply for AIMBE Fellowship.
Each year, AIMBE will select ~20 emerging leaders who will be recognized during AIMBE’s Annual Event. Emerging leaders will have a unique opportunity to network and engage with AIMBE Fellows at the Annual Event and receive direct mentoring from current AIMBE Fellows. This is a 3-year program and Emerging Leaders would be paired with an AIMBE Fellow mentor. Selectees must attend at least one AIMBE Annual Event during their 3-year program.